1. april 2018    /    Krvavec
SLO    /    ENG

Pre- or online registration registration are closed Valid registration is correctly filled form + fee paid until 30.03.2018. If you fail to pay, the registration is considered null and you have to register again at the event.
Registration desk will be open on Saturdaj 31.3.2018 (13:00 - 15:00) and Saturday 1.04.2018 (09:00 - 11:00) in front of Hotel Krvavec. You can register on any day, but the number of competitors is LIMITED! We encourage you to register online and get a place among the competitors or join us on Friday training already. Upon payment of competition fee you will receive competitor number and goodie bag.
Attendance of training on Friday is not required but well recommended.

The repayment of the competition fee due to nonattendance is not possible. The money will be donated for a charity cause.

Terms and conditions of participation.


Društvo DOBR, Cesta Staneta Žagarja 50a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenija
Matična: 1915606, Davčna: 95445102, ni zavezanec za DDV
www.dobr.si, www.luza.si, dobr.si@gmail.com

Copyright (©) društvo DOBR

marec 2017